dimecres, 25 de març del 2015

Welcoming the Spring // Dándole la bienvenida a la Primavera

There's something about seing the sun through the window in the mornings that is so therapeutical and instantly makes everybody, isn't it?. This time of the year is the best to go for a walk or even hiking, it's not too hot or too cold. I took some pictures not so long ago when I went to a castle with my family, and here there are some of them:

Hay algo muy terapéutico en ver la luz del sol a través de la ventana por las mañanas, no creéis? Esta época del año es la mejor para salir a caminar o incluso ir de excursión, ya que no hace ni demasiado calor ni demasiado frío. Hace poco hice algunas fotos cuando fui a un castillo con mi familia, os dejo con algunas de ellas:

Rocío xxx

9 comentaris:

  1. Sadly it isn't that warm here in Germany yet, but I can't wait for the cherry trees to blossom.
    Lovely pictures!

    LindaLibraLoca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

    1. To be honest, today's raining in here (crazy spring weather), but tomorrow we'll have sun again luckily :) thank you so much! x

  2. Oh so gorgeous! Do you live in Spain? Such beautiful scenery!! xx

  3. L'autor ha eliminat aquest comentari.

  4. Beautiful pictures! I looooove spring!! X


    1. me too! I suddently feel that I'm in a better mood. Thanks! xx

  5. wow looks so beautiful <3

